Markdown meta
The top two Front Matter contents in the Markdown file are meta information and are written in YAML syntax format. Dumi specifies some configuration:
---title: Custom page namenav:path: /Custom navigation routetitle: Custom navigation nameorder: Control the navigation order, the smaller the number, the higher the order, the default is to sort by path length and dictionary ordergroup:path: /Custom group routing, note that group routing = navigation routing + yourselftitle: Custom group nameorder: Control the grouping order, the smaller the number, the higher the order, the default is to sort by path length and dictionary order---<!-- Other Markdown content -->
See more configuration items
Meta Extend
This theme extends the meta of the dumi convention:
- demo
---title: Batterydesc: '`Battery` is a battery component, which is generally used in scenarios where the battery percentage needs to be displayed.'demo: /basic/battery---
The value of the demo configuration is used to tell the demo the route to load the URL, which is sent to the demo via a POST Message.