Tuya Theme

Getting Started


  • Markdown routing based on dumi contract form.
  • Just write Markdown to generate a documentation site!
  • Demo separated deployment access is provided.

Who using?


  1. create dumi app
yarn create @umijs/dumi-app
  1. install tuya theme
yarn add @tuya/dumi-theme-tuya
  1. Configure locale identifiers
import { defineConfig, IConfig } from 'dumi';
export default defineConfig({
// ...Omit other configuration
// locale keys(zh、en)
locales: [
['zh', '中文'],
['en', 'English'],
} as IConfig);
  1. Write Markdown in the docs directory. Example directory structure:
├── config # Nav - Config
│ ├── README.en.md
│ └── README.md
├── docs # Nav - Docs
│ ├── exports # Docs - SideMenu - Exports
│ │ ├── add-404.en.md
│ │ └── add-404.md
│ ├── getting-started # Docs - SideMenu - Introduction
│ │ ├── README.en.md
│ │ ├── README.md
│ │ ├── how-works.en.md
│ │ └── how-works.md
│ └── usage # Docs - SideMenu - Basic Usage
│ ├── front-matter.en.md
│ └── front-matter.md
├── index.en.md # Index en
└── index.md # Index zh
  1. Start debugging~
yarn start
  1. Build and deploy
yarn build

Then take the dist directory and deploy it